Students who have been exposed to the STEAM educational model outperform other students who are taught in the traditional manner. STEAM teaches students 21st-century skills. These are becoming increasingly relevant to the job market as opportunities have become skewed toward technology and innovation. These vacancies are prevalent in fields such as space engineers which require tech-savvy employees who can problem-solve and take initiative. As the world changes, current and future students need to be able to contribute to questions such as how we can make Mars habitable for humans. STEAM provides an interdisciplinary approach that fuels curiosity and the creation of solutions.
STEAM Subjects
The benefits of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) cannot be overestimated. In a STEAM program, these subjects are integrated so that holistic learning takes place and concepts and formulas from each one can be used to find complete solutions to the problems facing the world today. The education provided to STEAM students requires learning outside of the classroom as well. There are multiple places for field trips to teach students more about STEAM topics and space exploration.
The rapid growth of information technology has seen IT become a daily part of life, work, and education. Small children require devices, such as laptops and smartphones, to complete their tasks in the classroom. Wars around the world and climate change are affecting the well-being of billions. Solutions to the myriad problems rely on STEAM competence to address food scarcity, unpredictable weather, global warming, preservation of fauna and flora, and the refugee crisis.
At some point, humans may have made the world uninhabitable for people and animals. Scientists are already looking into new horizons in outer space and with our closest brotherly planets. The time may come when planet Earth has to be evacuated if its species are to survive.
STEAM Explained
STEAM was originally STEM. The four subjects, excluding Art, are supplemented with field trips, computer labs, single devices, robotics, programs, clubs, hands-on learning, and a strong curriculum that includes problem-solving activities for the practical acquisition of knowledge. Art was added as it addressed the need to teach innovation, creativity, and inventiveness.
The STEAM program uses an interdisciplinary approach so that concepts from each subject can be incorporated into real-world solutions.
Inventions that were initially designed to assist us in daily life have found their way into space technology. Similarly, many items that were created using space technology have found their way into this-world applications.
Space-based technologies have been utilized to provide rural populations with access to education. Satellite communications technologies have played a big role in addressing this gap. Virtual classrooms make use of voice-over-Internet-protocol (VOIP), videoconferencing, and the web. Learning materials on the web can be accessed at any time, making it possible for students to work and study at the same time. Video recordings, message boards, and emails enhance communication between students and teachers.
Space programs in schools foster awe and imagination. This encourages students to take up the sciences. It prepares them for future careers.
A STEAM education ensures future generations of job-relevant qualifications and experience.